Grab your clubs, gather your foursome and join us Sept. 1 for Kelly’s Heroes’ Teed Off! Golf Outing to Fight Pancreatic Cancer! It’s our first in-person event since the pandemic, and we can’t wait to have some fun while kicking the tar outta’ pancreatic cancer. Proceeds from our outing benefit the Steve Kelly Fund for Pancreatic Cancer Research at Johns Hopkins, which gives pancreatic cancer patients access to clinical trials and promising new treatments.
Golf registration and sponsor sign-ups are now open. We’ll return to Mercer Oaks in Princeton Junction, N.J., with a 9 a.m. shotgun start scramble, a box lunch, post-match buffet, cocktails, prizes and raffles.
Sponsors enjoy an opportunity to join with a cancer advocacy 501c3 which, as an all-volunteer organization, ensures that 100 percent of our proceeds support clinical trials that give patients hope for increased survival against pancreatic cancer, the third leading cause of cancer death.