Help us wage hope against pancreatic cancer! It’s the third leading cause of cancer death, with a five-year survival rate of just 9 percent. Kelly’s Heroes is hosting its 4th annual Teed Off! Golf Outing to Fight Pancreatic Cancer Oct. 16 at Mercer Oaks in Princeton Junction, N.J.
Play Mercer Oaks’ East course in a shotgun start, four-person best ball scramble, followed by a post-match buffet, drinks, prizes and auction. Proceeds benefit patient clinical trials that bring hope for increased survival.
We also offer sponsorships at all levels and invite you to join us on the links to boost your brand, spend time with fun and compassionate people and advance Steve Kelly’s wish to “kick the tar outta’ pancreatic cancer.”
Go to our Join Us page to register online, or print and mail our registration flier. Questions? Email us at